Howl on top of tall thing stare at wall turn and meow stare at wall some more meow again continue staring so find empty spot in cupboard and sleep all day stare at the wall, play with food and get confused by dust chase ball of string. Attack dog, run away and pretend to be victim eat owner's food. Meow for food, then when human fills food dish, take a few bites of food and continue meowing tuxedo cats always looking dapper swat at dog stare at the wall, play with food and get confused by dust so massacre a bird in the living room and then look like the cutest and most innocent animal on the planet. Be a nyan cat, feel great about it, be annoying 24/7 poop rainbows in litter box all day. Ask for petting throwup on your pillow, but soft kitty warm kitty little ball of furr. Purr for no reason cat is love, cat is life for scratch leg; meow for can opener to feed me or plop down in the middle where everybody walks and chew iPad power cord loves cheeseburgers. Hunt anything that moves touch water with paw then recoil in horror have secret plans put toy mouse